Friday, January 24, 2020

Journal 4: Looking for Answers

Image result for faithI frequently find myself searching for answers for things that I can not explain. I like to think I am deep in my faith, but sometimes you need proof from someone or something else to really set your beliefs in place. I like to think that a lot of people face this issue a couple times throughout their lives. The idea of a scientific thinker has consumed my being ever since I was little. I often struggle with finding the truth in things that I can not see. This morning I was scrolling through my feed on social media and up came a video that asks the audience to close their eyes, and pause the video when they feel it is right. It didn't hurt to try.

What I ended up landing on, solved all of my uncertainties and problems. The screen read:

"I saw you at your lowest point;
your miserable,
wallowing worst,
pitiful and dirty,
sorrowful and shamed

and I

This changed my whole mindset around. Out of all of the images and sayings it could have landed on, it was this. I feel like I just took a big breath of fresh air.

Never lose faith, it is always there for you when you need it the most.

1 comment:

  1. Some great examples of writing entries that replicate diary-type entries. Use experience in your unit 1 paper.
