Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Journal 2: Winter Blues

Image result for summerI long for summer. I love Michigan and I think the snow is beautiful for a short amount of time, but I am aching to have my feet in the sand and the sun glistening on my skin. I feel like summertime brings pure joy. The idea of waking up to the sun, watching the sun set, creates the feeling that all my problems and worries just disappear. Winter makes me feel as if there is a small cloud over my head. The dreariness of the sky as I look out my window, different shade of grey and blue. There's no pop of color, it creates a feeling of sadness. Of course it has to be the longest season of all... just to put the cherry on top. It's time for some color to come back into our lives. Fresh cut green grass, blue oceans, yellow sunshine, that is what I am longing for. It is time for family vacations and new journeys. Bring me all the birds, the bees, the fish in the seas. I can't drive down the road and look at another snowman being made, or have my fingers clench into fists because the cold air is so frigid. So come on mother nature, bring on the warmth. I can't sit another day in doors, wishing I could go to the beach and be filled with the joys of summer. Winter, it is time to say goodbye to you and your blues. It is time to open the door for Spring and Summer and all the great times that come with it.

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